Think Before You Speak
I’m pretty sure I send some of you to sleep with my posts….😂 but here’s another, I’l make it a short one….
Something I really struggled with especially as a teenager, was the adults in my life… workers mainly and professionals etc
And it may sound really insignificant to some of you guys but it wasn’t to me….
“ I understand” is a term lots of professionals would say and the response I always gave back was, how could you ever understand unless you have been here….. you can’t
There are some things that can be really triggering and this was definitely something that used to trigger the life out of me
Unless you have been in the situation of being in care, you will never truly understand what it feels like…no matter how many books or training you have had, not even a degree in child psychology will give you a true understanding of how it feels
So please be careful of the terms you use
You can have empathy for a situation but that’s very different from understanding it……
Something I really struggled with especially as a teenager, was the adults in my life… workers mainly and professionals etc
And it may sound really insignificant to some of you guys but it wasn’t to me….
“ I understand” is a term lots of professionals would say and the response I always gave back was, how could you ever understand unless you have been here….. you can’t
There are some things that can be really triggering and this was definitely something that used to trigger the life out of me
Unless you have been in the situation of being in care, you will never truly understand what it feels like…no matter how many books or training you have had, not even a degree in child psychology will give you a true understanding of how it feels
So please be careful of the terms you use
You can have empathy for a situation but that’s very different from understanding it……